Camping in Pokhara is more than just an escape into nature, it is an adventure to explore the region rich in natural beauty, surrounded by serene lakes and captivating landscapes. Nestled in the lap of the Annapurna range, Pokhara stands as a testament to the pristine allure of the Himalayan foothills.

Lakes in Pokhara such as Phewa and Begnas promise a camping experience that goes beyond the ordinary. The serene lakes, with their gentle ripples, reflect the tranquility that defines the atmosphere, offering a peaceful retreat for campers looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The natural canvas of Pokhara transforms the camping experience into a tranquil and rejuvenating escape.

Moreover, for those drawn to the trekking trails surrounding Pokhara, camping seamlessly blends into the adventure. As the gateway to numerous trekking trails, Pokhara invites tourists to navigate these paths while choosing camping as their accommodation. This is a unique opportunity to forge a deeper connection with the breathtaking landscapes of the Annapurna region. 

Beyond the breathtaking scenery, Pokhara blends cultural richness and adventure, transforming a camping trip into a holistic experience. The city is a melting pot of diverse ethnicities, invites immersion in local culture, savoring Nepali cuisine, and engaging with warm-hearted locals eager to share their stories.

And as your anticipation builds for tales of camping in nature’s lap, imagine waking up to the symphony of birdsong, surrounded by mist-kissed peaks of the Annapurna range. Envision evenings around a crackling campfire, swapping stories under a star-studded sky.

This blog, Camping in the Lap of Nature: Best Campsites in Pokhara, promises a list of campsites, and various practical tips for a safe and comfortable camping experience in Pokhara. Explore and find solace in the heart of one of Nepal’s most captivating destinations.


Types of Campings

In the heart of Pokhara’s enchanting landscape lies a plethora of camping experiences. As you navigate through the diverse camping options, envision the possibilities that await. Whether you are drawn to the peaceful lakeside retreats, the adrenaline-fueled mountain camps, or the secluded charm of forest camping, each experience can fulfill different desires and expectations. Here are some camping possible in Pokhara:

  • Tent Camping

For the traditionalist, tent camping offers a back-to-basics experience, where the rustle of fabric and the open sky become your only companions. Set up your temporary home and let the sounds of nature be your lullaby.

  • Glamping

Indulge in the lap of luxury with glamping, and glamorous camping that combines the thrill of the outdoors with the comforts of home. Think cozy beds, ambient lighting, and gourmet meals, all beneath the stars.

  • Lakeside Camping

For those seeking tranquility, lakeside camping along the shores of Phewa or Begnas Lake provides a serene retreat. Lakeside camping allows you to wake up to the gentle lapping of water and the sun casting its golden hues across the lake, creating a picturesque morning view.

  • Mountain Camping

Daredevils and nature enthusiasts will find their haven in the mountain camps scattered around Pokhara. Nestled amidst the foothills of the Annapurna range, these camps promise breathtaking views and a rugged, adventurous terrain that beckons explorers to conquer the heights.

  • Forest Camping

Immerse yourself in the embrace of nature with forest camping experiences. Surrounded by lush greenery and the vibrant sounds of wildlife, these camps offer a more secluded and immersive connection with the natural world.

As you explore the diverse facets of camping in Pokhara, each type beckons you to discover the region’s natural beauty on your terms.

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Highlights of Camping in Pokhara

This holistic journey of Camping in Pokhara is a celebration of natural wonders, cultural richness, and the thrill of adventure. As you pitch your tent in the lap of this Himalayan haven, prepare to be captivated by the highlights that make camping in Pokhara an experience like no other.

  • Discover Flora and Fauna:

Venture into the camping grounds and a world of biodiversity unfolds before your eyes. From the vibrant and exotic birds to the charm of wildlife, these camping sites offer a front-row seat to nature’s spectacle. Spring, in particular, transforms the landscape into a canvas of colors, with rhododendrons and other flowers painting the surroundings in hues of brilliance.

  • Mountain Views:

Nestled close to the Annapurna Mountain Range, Pokhara unfolds like a picturesque canvas where the majestic Himalayan peaks steal the spotlight. The breathtaking views of this iconic mountain range come alive, showcasing their grandeur, especially during the enchanting moments of sunrise and sunset. As the sun paints the sky with vibrant shades, mountains like Macchepuchre, Annapurna, and Dhaulagiri bathe in an ethereal glow, creating memories of a lifetime.

  • Adventure Opportunities:

Beyond the confines of the campsite, Pokhara opens doors to thrilling adventures. Many camping destinations serve as starting or endpoints for trekking routes, offering adventurous souls to allow camping while trekking, creating an unforgettable fusion of nature and exploration.

  • Peaceful Break:

In the heart of the tranquil ambiance, in the fresh mountain air and the soothing sounds of nature, campers find more than just a getaway, they discover a peaceful break from the stresses of daily life. The serene surroundings become a sanctuary, rejuvenating the mind and spirit.

  • Community Interaction:

Engaging with local communities adds a unique layer of adventure to the camping experience. Campers have the opportunity to observe the lifestyles, traditions, and stories of the locals, fostering a connection that goes beyond the natural beauty of Pokhara.

Let the allure of Pokhara unfold as you explore the camping gems hidden within its breathtaking landscapes.


Best time to Camp in Pokhara

Selecting the best time for your camping escapade in Pokhara is crucial to ensure a delightful experience in the lap of nature. 

  • Ideal Camping Months:

Camping near Pokhara is possible throughout the year, but it is important to be wise about the timing. It is best to avoid the monsoon months, particularly June, July, and August. During these months, heavy rainfall can make camping in Pokhara a less enjoyable experience.

Likewise, the chilly weather of December to February may not be ideal for an overnight camping experience. As temperatures drop during these cold months, it is advisable to postpone your camping plans for a more comfortable experience.

  • Perfect Weather Conditions:

From March to May and September to November, Pokhara unveils its ideal weather conditions for camping. Days bask in the warmth of the sun, creating an inviting atmosphere for outdoor activities, while the nights offer a refreshing chill, perfect for cozying up in your camping gear.

To make the most of your camping in Pokhara, meticulous planning is key. Gather information about your chosen camping ground in advance, ensuring it aligns with your preferences and desired camping experience. Additionally, checking the weather forecast can be a good idea. Armed with this knowledge, you can embark on your camping journey fully prepared, maximizing the joy of your time in Pokhara.


List of Campsite in Pokhara

  • Dhampus Village:

Situated atop a hill at 1,650 meters, Dhampus Village offers a serene environment just 25 kilometers from Pokhara. The majority Gurung population provides insights into their culture and way of life. Dhampus is an ideal destination for a relaxed camping trip during the hot summer months.

  • Australian Camp:

Perched at 2,060 meters, Australian Base Camp provides a breathtaking sunrise over the Annapurna range. Camping accommodation is available in hotels, or you can bring your gear. Campfires are popular here and can enhance the experience on this mountaintop.

  • Begnas Lake:

Found in the southeast corner of the Pokhara Valley, Begnas Lake is approximately 16 kilometers from the city’s hustle and bustle. Resorts, lodges, and homestays line the lake, with Majhikuna being a favored spot for night camping. Birdwatching, fishing, and boating activities enrich the lakeside camping experience.

  • Rupakot Village:

Approximately 20 kilometers from Pokhara, Rupakot Village offers hiking, sunrise and sunset views, and mountain hiking. Embracing ecotourism, agrotourism, and sustainable tourism, the village provides local organic cuisine. An ideal spot for meditation and yoga amidst nature.

  • Nirmal Pokhari Village:

Located 10 kilometers south of Pokhara, Nirmal Pokhari village is renowned for its orange production. Perfect for camping with picturesque views and opportunities for hiking. A great option for those wanting a taste of Nepal’s everyday farming and community life.

  • Kaskikot:

Nestled in the hills surrounding Pokhara, Kaskikot offers a tranquil escape with panoramic views of the Annapurna range and Phewa Lake. Kaskikot is also known for cultural richness, traditional Newari architecture, and warm hospitality. This destination is ideal for camping with a touch of cultural and historic immersion.

  • Sikles Village:

A Gurung village near Pokhara, Sikles offers rural tourism and a typical cultural experience. The second-largest Gurung settlement in Nepal, the village is reachable by bus, private vehicle, or trek. Sikles is favored for overnight stays in the Annapurna Region, offering magnificent views and the option for homestays and fire camps.

  • Nau Danda:

Approximately 20 kilometers from Pokhara, Nau Danda provides a 360-degree vista of the Pokhara valley. Accessible by bus or trek via Sarangkot, it is a spot for witnessing sunrise, sunset, landscapes, cityscapes, and mountains all in one location. Local lodges offer a night’s stay with fire camps and local dishes.

  • Lakeside:

Several hotels near Lakeside provide camping options, eliminating the need to carry camping gear. Enjoy a night by the lakeside without the hassle, spending quality time with loved ones amidst the peaceful surroundings.

Each campsite in Pokhara offers a unique experience, from lakeside tranquility to mountaintop panoramas, providing a diverse range of options for campers seeking different atmospheres and activities.


What Camping Equipment and Gear do you need?

Embarking on a camping expedition in Pokhara necessitates a careful selection of gear to ensure a seamless and enjoyable camping experience. Here is a comprehensive list of camping equipment and gear tailored for the diverse environments you might encounter in Pokhara.

Sleeping Equipment:

– Tent

– Sleeping Bag

– Sleeping Mat

– Pillow

Living Gears:

– Camp Chairs

– Hammock

– Towel

– Toiletries: Pack travel-sized toiletries, including toothpaste, toothbrush, and biodegradable soap.

Cooking Kits:

– Camping Stove

– Fue

– Lighter

– Cookware, Dishes, and Cutlery

– Camp Sink

– Water

– Thermos

– Snacks and Meals

Survival Kits:

– Knife

– Headlamps and Lanterns

– Sun and Bug Protection

– Sanitizer

– First Aid Kit

This comprehensive gear list ensures that you are well-equipped for the diverse camping environments awaiting you in Pokhara. Each piece serves as a building block for a memorable and comfortable camping experience among the beauty of the Himalayan foothills.


What to wear during Camping in Pokhara Valley? 

Selecting the right clothing is a crucial aspect of ensuring comfortable and enjoyable camping in Pokhara Valley. The diverse weather conditions and elevation changes demand a thoughtful approach to your wardrobe. Whether you are camping by the lakeside or venturing into the mountains, here is our guide on what to wear during your camping odyssey.


Comfortable Waterproof Hiking Boots

Clothing Layers:

Your clothing layers should include:

– Base Layer: Moisture-wicking fabric to keep your skin dry.

– Mid-Layer: Insulating layer like a fleece or down jacket to trap body heat.

– Outer Layer: Waterproof and windproof jacket to shield against rain or chilly winds.


– A brimmed hat 

– Bandana

Upper Body:

– Camping Shirt

– Fleece or Insulating Jacket

– Rain Jacket

Lower Body:

– Hiking Pants

– Waterproof Bottoms


– Sunglasses

– Hat and Gloves

– Fluffy Socks

Versatile Clothing:

– Plaid Flannels

– Tank Tops

– Windbreaker

Remember that temperatures can vary significantly between day and night, so by having layers you can easily add or remove the garments in the changing weather conditions. By packing a well-thought-out selection of clothing, you will be prepared to fully enjoy the Camping in Pokhara.


Tips During Camping in Pokhara Valley

Camping in Pokhara Valley is not just about setting up a tent, it is about immersing yourself in nature responsibly. To ensure a successful and harmonious camping trip, consider these practical tips:

Respect for Local Flora and Fauna:

  • Stay on Designated Trails: Stick to established trails to minimize your impact on the local ecosystem.
  • Avoid Disturbing Wildlife: Observe from a distance and refrain from disturbing the local fauna. Keep noise levels low to maintain the tranquility of the surroundings.
  • Leave No Trace: Stick to the Leave No Trace principles pack out all waste, minimize campfire impact, and leave natural and cultural features undisturbed.

Safety Measures:

  • Before setting out, inform your friends or family about your camping plans, including your destination and expected return time.
  • Ensure you have a first aid kit, sufficient water, and emergency supplies in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Stay informed about the weather conditions in the region, especially in the mountains, where weather can change rapidly.

Wildlife Interactions:

  • Enjoy wildlife from a distance. Do not approach or feed wild animals, as it disrupts their natural behaviors.
  • Keep food stored securely to avoid attracting wildlife to your campsite.
  • Camp in designated areas to reduce the impact on wildlife habitats.

By integrating these tips into your camping routine, you not only ensure your safety but also contribute to the preservation of the natural beauty of Pokhara Valley.



In conclusion, camping in Pokhara unfolds a tapestry of unique experiences, blending breathtaking natural beauty with cultural richness. From serene lakeside retreats to panoramic mountain views, each campsite offers a distinct adventure. The tranquil ambiance and warm hospitality add a special charm, creating memories that linger long after the campfire embers fade.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through Camping in Pokhara. May your future adventures be as enchanting as the moments you discover in the lap of nature. Happy camping!



  • Is camping in Pokhara suitable for all seasons?

While camping is possible year-round, it is advisable to avoid monsoon months (June to August) due to heavy rainfall. And, December to February can be chilly. The rest of the months offer ideal weather conditions for camping.

  • Are there facilities for renting camping gear in Pokhara?

Yes, the Lakeside area has several rental shops where you can find camping equipment, including tents, sleeping bags, and other essential gear.

  • Can I camp near Pokhara’s trekking trails?

Yes, Pokhara serves as a gateway to various trekking trails, and camping can be added to your trekking adventure.

  • What clothing should I pack for camping in Pokhara?

Pack layers for varying temperatures, including a waterproof jacket. Sturdy hiking boots, comfortable clothing, and a hat are advisable. Finally, don’t forget to check the weather forecast for your chosen camping dates.

  • Are there family-friendly campsites in Pokhara?

Yes, Pokhara offers family-friendly campsites with facilities suitable for children. Lakeside areas and Australian Base Camp provide a tranquil environment for families to enjoy nature together.

  • Can I engage in water activities near Pokhara’s campsites?

Certainly! Campsites near lakes, such as Phewa and Begnas, often offer opportunities for boating, fishing, and other water activities. Be sure to check with the specific campsite for available amenities.